Mentoring in Remote viewing

I want to start by saying that I don’t like to use the term ‘training’ it seems to harsh and impersonal and foreign to the process I know and love of CRV. Training feels more akin to animals. I prefer the term mentoring – this is more about us sharing, guidance and a relationship approach to communicating this amazing skill. I want to take a real and personal interest in how you grow and develop with this skill and to encourage you with my personal experiences and to create an environment where you can flourish and then use CRV in your day-to-day life. I’m not training you I am mentoring you. I don’t want to teach you a few fundamentals and see you off on your way – CRV can and will change you life – and in doing so you need a friend and mentor, I would like to join you in this journey.
Please also be aware that over the decades of use I have added a few small changes to CRV that I feel and they have proven to me over many years, to help in the CRV process.I am happy to discuss these with you, and will always show and allow you to sue the ‘original’ ways if that’s what you prefer.

I have spent a good part of my life within remote Viewing sharing everything I could. When this CRV mentoring goes live in June of 2018, I have spent over two decades giving away free help, advice, mentoring and books and the magazine eight martini’s.

I will endeavour to also try and teach a small number of RV student for a reduced rate if the student looks talents, committed and keen, so please feel free to contact me with any inquiries, and if my costs are too high for you – contact me anyway and lets discuss the options.

Below I have outlined my online CRV mentoring and its costs. If you are interested in this process then please email me and we can discuss this journey. I look forward to sharing with you, and from both of us working and experiencing this together and in giving you these amazing skills to help transform your life in whatever pathway you decide to follow.

CRV Stages 1 & 2

Ready to change your life? Mentoring in CRV stages 1 & 2 will start you off with a basic history of Remote Viewing and CRV. We discuss the what, where and why of this intuitive structure. In one to one online meetings , exercises and practice we then start to explore these fundamental first stages into the CRV process together. Daz will be there are every stage to help you understand each step as you develop.


  • A brief history & description of Remote Viewing & CRV development
  • Stage1 – format & terminology
  • Stage 1 – The Ideogram process
  • Stage1 – practice and discussion
  • Stage 2 – Basic sensory data
  • Stage 2 – Practice & discussion
  • Stage 1 & 2 practice home work and mentoring of approx ten targets (this can vary depending on each student).
  • Books – Signed copies of  Daz’s CRV – Remote Viewing Book & Remote Viewing Dialogues books.
  • Training tools and resources. (Videos, documents, tools, links, crib sheets.)
  • Stage 1 & 2 – Certificate on completion of the Stage 1 & 2 practice sessions and understanding of the process.

All  one-to-one mentoring will take place online using Skype or zoom – online meeting tools. working together we will both try to meet at mutually convenient times . (student must have an internet connection, email and a device that will allow access to these online meeting tools.


CRV Stages 3 & 4

(CRV stages 1 & 2 needed to be completed first)

Well done for getting this far? Mentoring in CRV stages 3 & 4 really start to let you explore the targets and to become a virtual investigator. Stage 3 – Starts with a discussion on the process and format of this stage. With lots of practice by you and discussed fully with Daz. Then we move on to Stage 4 and this is where RV gets really spicy! We discuss the format of stage4, what goes where and why – then again more practice and mentoring. Daz will be there are every stage to help you understand each step as you develop. This is where CRV really starts to shine as these middle stages give you real tools to start exploring target sites.


  • A discussion on stage 3, the format and the power of sketching in CRV. We will cover sketching and moving around the target to prise out more information.
  • Stage 3 – practice and mentoring
  • Stage 4 – a discussion on the stage4 matrix, its format and how we break down and record complex target data into a grid.
  • Stage 4 – practice and mentoring
  • Stage 3 & 4 practice work and mentoring of approx ten homework targets (this can vary depending on each student).
  • Training tools and resources. (Videos, documents, tools, links, crib sheets.)
  • Stage 3 & 4 – Certificate on completion of the Stage 3 & 4 practice sessions and understanding of the process.

All  one-to-one mentoring will take place online using Skype or zoom – online meeting tools. working together we will both try to meet at mutually convenient times . (student must have an internet connection, email and a device that will allow access to these online meeting tools


CRV Stages 5 & 6

(CRV stages 1, 2, 3, 4 needed to be completed first)

Great work –  Mentoring in CRV stages 5 & 6 add to the CRV process by giving you even more tools to pull data from the target. We start with a discussion on Stage 5 and Daz’s use of mind maps to record this data. We them move on to Stage 6 which included modelling target sites -with a modelling practice session. Daz will be there are every stage to help you understand each step as you develop.


  • A discussion on stage 5, the format of original Stage 5 CRV, and why Daz now uses mind mapping in its place.
  • Stage5 – practice and mentoring
  • Stage 6 – a discussion modelling target sites, why, how, and tools.
  • Stage 6 – practice and mentoring
  • Stage 5 & 5 practice work and mentoring of approx ten homework targets (this can vary depending on each student).
  • Training tools and resources. (Videos, documents, tools, links, crib sheets.)
  • Stage 5 & 6 – Certificate on completion of the Stage 5 & 6 practice sessions and understanding of the process.

All students who complete the full six stages of CRV mentoring with Tier1 will be eligible for an extra feature & mentoring  called ‘after tools’, this will include:

  • How to evaluate/score your RV
  • How to set targets
  • How to write a summary
  • Working with clients (reports & Project management)
  • Other tools (dowsing, directions/search, timelines/scales)

All  one-to-one mentoring will take place online using Skype or zoom – online meeting tools. working together we will both try to meet at mutually convenient times . (student must have an internet connection, email and a device that will allow access to these online meeting tools.
